The ZAW at Kultursommer Wien in August 2024:
- On Thursday, 8.8.2024 at 20:00 at Wasserturm „High Soriety“ (of Ariane Öchsner) will be presented, where former ZAW-student Marielle Ameganvi will perform as well:
- On Friday, 9.8.2024 at 18:30 at Schrödingerplatz Malin & Toni of the ZAW will show their „Work in Progress“ of „The Velvet Between us“:
- On Sunday, 11.8.2024 at 16:00 at Großfeldsiedlung, 1210 Vienna a picknick in the name of exchange („Talking Circus – All genres welcome!“) will take place, where Ruth Schleicher (director ZAW) is also invited to talk about contemporary circus:
We’re looking forward to seeing you there!